The World is an ever-changing place, and with that change comes new technology that allows us to communicate throughout the world. In the days of long ago, people did not travel very far from their ancestral or birth land, but as we search for our own lifestyle and climate, families and friends are distanced by miles now more than ever. Given also that we are in the midst of a pandemic where we cannot socialize and visit as we once did, a lot of us are now relying on psychic services given through the telephone or via webcam. Many have asked me whether a telephone tarot reading can deliver the honest truth as effectively as if the Querent (client or customer) is present — and the answer is most certainly YES! Here are some reasons that a distance reading is perfect for those searching for spiritual advice.


One of the first benefits that distance readings bring is in the management of Time. There are only so many hours in a day, and with the pressures of career, family, and just day-to-day living and chores, you need someone who is flexible to meet with you on your schedule, or meet at a time that is equally agreeable for both your lifestyles. Once you have booked out a portion of time to yourself, you can sit in quiet and focus on your questions without pets needing attention or hungry family members needing a meal. When you have made your arrangements with childcare or career meetings, you can sit with your journal and either speak with a reader over the phone or via video chat to aid you in your quest for answers through divination.


When a client comes into a storefront, home, or office of a spiritual practitioner, the surroundings may be unfamiliar and distracting, and thus not allow the Querent (you) a comfortable space to open up to the reader. Decor or ambiance may make you nervous, but if you were to receive your reading in the comfort of your home, your focus will be enhanced by ease and familiarity, so that you can hear all the information being given to you. In addition, the reader has no preconceived notion or bias upon meeting you in person, as some clients may dress or behave in a unique way that may “front load” the reader with information that may impact the reading. A phone consultation can give the reader a “blank slate” in which to work, resulting in a more precise reading without preconceptions.


From time to time, we readers encounter clients of various degrees of popularity, such as pop singers, internet influencers, or others who are recognizable in various walks of life. The famous or nearly famous are seeking spiritual guidance just like you, and they may worry about issues with security and blackmail. When a caller uses phone psychic services, they can use any name they want, and “Mary” will never be revealed since personal information, such as credit cards, are kept a secret. If receiving a reading through video chat, they can simply leave the camera off and use the microphone services only. The client is afforded privacy and security that they may not receive with an in-person consultation.

The ultimate goal is to reduce nervousness to the client. Better focus and concentration with the reading, and the ability to relax and really connect with a psychic, results in an informative and helpful spiritual consultation that will aid and assist the Querent (you) in gaining success in all matters of your life. Sitting down with a favorite beverage, lighting a scented candle or incense, wearing comfortable clothes, and being able to decompress the stresses of the day before your telephone reading results in a great session. Your psychic or tarot reader is your companion to assist you in formulating a brighter and more positive future. Book your appointment today with your favorite reader and plan to receive a great consultation session with a professional experienced in their system of divination to help you.

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